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squalid down parka
Mr. Sohn, a 100% wetcleaner, goes through customers’ clothes and share his working tips.

Deodorant stains
Mr. Sohn, a 100% wetcleaner, goes through customers’ clothes and share his working tips.

Gold foil label
Mr. Sohn, a 100% wetcleaner, goes through customers’ clothes and share his working tips.

Solvent pump problems
This month, I’ll continue on the solvent flow subject by discussing the heart of the solvent flow system, the solvent pump. The solvent pump on

New style X-Mas list
For nearly two decades, I have chosen to use my December column in a sort of whimsical manner. I’ve call it my Christmas Wish List.

Wetcleaning leather
As weather gets colder, more leather clothes are coming in. With many leather cleaners’ closing, finding one is getting harder. I’ve always said wetcleaning is

Different ways of using hydrogen peroxide for advanced spotting
One of the most useful spotting agents around is hydrogen peroxide. Most cleaners do not use it to its full potential. One of the problems

Spotting delicate fabrics
A delicate fabric is described as a fabric that is capable of weakening and discoloring from mechanical action and the chemicals used for spotting. There

Think small: selling additional services
When members think about boosting sales by offering additional services, they often think about major diversifications that require lots of money and equipment. What goes

세탁업의 운영관리 규정
비즈니스를 운영하면서 모든 업종에 적용되는 규정과 업종 자체에 특별하게 요구되는 규정들이 있습니다. 세탁업 특성상 비즈니스를 운영하면서 지켜야 하는 내용과 일반적으로 준수해야 하는 내용에 대해 알아보고자

Blue Silk Pants
Mr. Sohn, a 100% wetcleaner, goes through customers’ clothes and share his working tips.