Healthy Living
Harvard study reveals how many times men should ejaculate each month to stay healthy
The study observed the sexual habits of 32,000 men. [ – 2023.01.30] A Harvard University study has pinpointed the precise number of times men should
Monkeypox, Explained
It’s not Covid, but there are good reasons to take precautions. [ – 2022.08.03] The viral disease monkeypox is spreading around the world. So far,
Do Eye Creams Actually Work for Wrinkles?
Look for a few key ingredients in skin care products if you want to deal with wrinkles — but no product will keep your face
Americans Are Wasting Billions Every Year on Useless Supplements, Scientists Warn
The Benefits of Exercise in a Pill? Science Is Closer to That Goal
Summary: Researchers have identified a molecule in the blood that is produced during exercise. The molecule, Lac-Phe, can effectively reduce food intake and obesity in
Rectal cancer drug trial of dostarlimab cures all patients
Overweight people lost 35 to 52 pounds on newly approved diabetes drug, study says
Sweetened and Unsweetened Coffee Consumption Associated With Lower Death Risk
Severe COVID-19 can damage brain like 20 years of aging
The damage from COVID-19 can result in cognitive impairment sustained by those between 50-70 years of age and is the equivalent of essentially losing 10
Scientists say they have nailed down the ideal amount of sleep in middle and old age
Older adults shouldn’t start a routine of daily aspirin, task force says
Scientists Find No Benefit to Time-Restricted Eating
In a yearlong study, participants who confined meals to certain hours lost no more weight than those who ate at any time. [ – 2022.04.20]