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The art of Wetcleaning silk
Silk fabrics are characterized by a unique feel, luster, body, hand and sheen. These characteristics are imparted by the manufacturer when producing silk. The successful
Removing oil stains in wetcleaning
The most frequently asked question about wetcleaning is how to remove oil stains. I have always emphasized that wetcleaning spotting is much easier than drycleaning.
Oil stains in wetcleaning
The most frequently asked question about wetcleaning is how to remove oil stains. I have always emphasized that wetcleaning spotting is much easier than drycleaning.
Odor removal by ozone
During the 1970s, only a handful of drycleaning establishments offered odor removal service to their customers. In the past two decades, however, more and more
Useful facts about your spotting and cleaning formulations
Chemical manufacturers have made tremendous strides in changing and improving their chemical formulations. The chemical manufacturers do not necessity use the same formulation for their
One word for Expo West: Enthusiasm
Hello, Dry Cleaners; this is Bruce Grossman from EZtimers Manufacturing. Since Lester Holt and Sean Hannity had prior engagements, John somehow maneuvered me into sharing
This red silk is a bleeder!
Mr. Sohn, a 100% wetcleaner, goes through customers’ clothes and share his working tips.
Silk dress with big oil stain
Mr. Sohn, a 100% wetcleaner, goes through customers’ clothes and share his working tips.
Spangled dress
Mr. Sohn, a 100% wetcleaner, goes through customers’ clothes and share his working tips.
Jumper jacket with deep ring-around-the-collar
Mr. Sohn, a 100% wetcleaner, goes through customers’ clothes and share his working tips.
relatively clean suit pants
Mr. Sohn, a 100% wetcleaner, goes through customers’ clothes and share his working tips.