[thedickinsonpress.com – 2024.02.26] In late September of 2023, the staff of Paradise Dry Cleaning found themselves facing a daunting scene as they arrived at their premises in Dickinson. Smoke billowed from the building, hinting at the chaos within. General Manager Kyle D’amato was swiftly notified, and he wasted no time in assessing the situation.
A routine task involving the washing and drying of rags, essential to the day-to-day operations at Paradise Dry Cleaning, inadvertently triggered a chain of events leading to the destructive fire.
“The rags are washed with a degreaser and other things then they go into an air dryer that dries with air and doesn’t have heat,” D’amato explained.
This precautionary measure aimed to prevent spontaneous combustion, a risk posed by residual grease, would not work on that fateful fall day.
“You could see the first wisp of smoke on the camera around 10 p.m.,” recounted D’amato. “Around midnight, the stack of rags caught on fire.”

The aftermath was grim. Smoke and ash permeated the building via the ducts, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Equipment lay coated, requiring extensive replacement. Yet, amidst the wreckage, Paradise Dry Cleaning stood resilient, buoyed by the unwavering support of Dickinson’s community and the dedication of its staff.
“The people here put in a huge effort from cleaning everything to repainting the walls and installing new flooring,” D’amato said reflecting on the collective determination that saw them through the crisis.
Turning adversity into opportunity, Paradise Dry Cleaning emerged from the ashes like a phoenix with renewed vigor. Armed with new equipment and refined processes, they set out to redefine excellence in garment care.
Moreover, Paradise Dry Cleaning sought to repay the community who stood by them in their darkest days by nurturing local talent through financial sponsorships for two area rodeo cowboys — a gesture that garnered acclaim from the rodeo community itself.
As Paradise Dry Cleaning looks ahead, D’amato expressed optimism for the future.
“We are thrilled to have overcome the challenges we faced and to emerge stronger than ever,” he affirmed. “Our commitment to serving the community of Dickinson remains unwavering.”
Read the original article on thedickisonpress.com