May 2021 Table of Content

Are your ready for returning customers?
The worst is over now. There is no doubt Covid-19 Pandemic has dealt an unheard of hardship to our industry, we are now experiencing a clear business pick up with the spring breeze. At the start of the…

Customers are returning to the dry cleaners

NYC will reopen 100% on july 1

Half of U.S. adults have received at least one Covid shot

CDC says fully vaccinated Americans can go without masks outdoors

Census Bureau announces 331 million people in US

Nearly 6K fully vaccinated Americans got COVID-19 – out of 66M: CDC

State finding say that employee at Bayonne dry cleaner faced discrimination over sexual orientation

Pressed Dry Cleaners offering free graduation gown cleaning

Is This the Future of Face Masks?
After the surgical mask and the do-it-yourself mask and the fashion mask: the smart mask. “It’s a new category,” said Will Lange, Honeywell’s chief commercial officer for personal protective…

Problem solving using acid and akali
Many garments received by my analysis service (International Independent Garment Analysis Service by Daniel Eisen) require use of acids and alkalis for their correction. Some examples of problem…

Drying after wet cleaning
Drying is a very important part of wet cleaning. Drying won’t require as much process and effort as washing but it will definitely affect the finished quality. I find most of the cleaners I’ve met lack…

Looking for a manager?
Let’s face it. It’s difficult to find managers in this business. Wait. Let me be more specific. It’s difficult to find qualified managers in this business. This is a very inconvenient truth because I believe…

Boiler Blowdown
The two most important factors in maintaining the proper boiler water chemistry is blowdown and compound addition. No matter how efficient the water treatment program, water entering…

Clean Show booth sales begins
The Clean Show scheduled for July 30~August 2, 2020 in Atlanta GA has officially begun the booth sales. Space is assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, and with pre-sales already under…