The study observed the sexual habits of 32,000 men.
[joe.ie – 2023.01.30] A Harvard University study has pinpointed the precise number of times men should ejaculate each month in order to stave off certain harmful diseases.Research published in the journal European Urology has indicated that high levels of sexual activity can reduce the risk of contracting prostate cancer.
The study observed the sexual habits of 32,000 men and in conclusion, determined that those with a higher rate of ejaculation were less likely to have prostate tumours.
The author of the study states: “We found that men reporting higher compared to lower ejaculatory frequency in adulthood were less likely to be subsequently diagnosed with prostate cancer. This large prospective study provides the strongest evidence to date of a beneficial role of ejaculation in the prevention of prostate cancer.”
Pinpointing precisely how many times men should be ejaculating each month, the panel of researchers said that 21 will protect you from prostate cancer.
During a discussion with Ultimate Health, the experts said: “Twenty-one ejaculations or more per month can protect you (males) from prostate cancer.”
The study found that men who ejaculated at least 21 times a month had a 33 per cent lower risk of prostate cancer than those that didn’t
Quite why this helps the prostate hasn’t quite been determined yet but scientists have speculated that it may flush toxins out of the system.
Of course, ejaculation alone isn’t going to entirely save your prostate. Experts say that obesity, tobacco, high-fat processed food and heredity are also factors that will lead to prostate cancer so cut those out for your own sake.
Dr James Balch believes that a good diet is a positive thing to aspire towards when protecting one’s prostate.
“If a man wants to stay out of the operating room and avoid cancer of the prostate, he needs to go full blast to avoid the high-fat junk foods and environmental toxins that contribute to prostate problems and to start a wise nutritional program that includes the basic supplements that affect the prostate.”
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