BMHS boiler stack heat recovery system

There is a new system that recycles the thermal energy being dumped out the boiler stack to make hot water. Boiler Max Hot-water System( BMHS) from EZ Eco Filter Company is the first device to recapture more than 20% of boiler HP being wasted as hot boiler exhaust gas.

“If you have a 15-HP boiler, 3 or more HP is being wasted out the boiler stack,” said Ms. Kelly, CEO of EZ Eco Filter. “If you spend $1000 a month for gas, you’re easily throwing out $200 a month out the chimney.”

There are 3 stages of installation of BMHS:

  1. First Stage: Install double heat exchange coil inside the boiler stack. Cold water goes through the heat coil before it enters the hot water heater.
  2. Second Stage: Install a recirculation loop between the heat coil and the hot water heater. By constantly circulating water between the coil and water heater, water inside the loop and the water heater is constantly maintained hot.
  3. Third Stage: Install a recirculation between the heat coil, hot water heater and shirts washer. By constantly circulating water between the coil, water heater and the washer, water inside loop between the coil, washer piping, and water heater is constantly maintained hot. When you use the washer, hot water goes in right away instead of going from cold to hot.
Diagram for the First Stage Installation of BMHS

The heat exchange coil is made from 304 stainless steel, has a double winding with the total length of about 17 feet. The speed of city water is about 1.5~2 feet per second so cold water will take about 10 seconds to pass through the coil with the final temperature of up to 140°F for the First Stage Installation. With the Second and Third Stage Installation, the heat efficiency can run higher than 90% with up to 200°F.

“You are currently dumping an enormous amount of thermal energy out the boiler stack from the moment you turn on the boiler until you turn it off. Do you dare touching the boiler stack? You skin will be instantly seared. The moment you install BMHS, you’re stopping all that waste,” said Ms. Kelly.

For more information, please call (551) 888-9949.

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