A special wetcleaning seminar was held at National Waste Clean’s building in South Plainfield, NJ last December 6th. The seminar was held inside NWC’s warehouse with all the doors open due to COVID-19 concern and over 1000 cleaners showed up.
The speaker, Mr. Dino Kanzabelos from Canada was not able to come in person due to COVID restrictions and the seminar was given in the form of Zoom video conference. Dino’s parents started the cleaning business in the 1970’s and he has been running a 100% wetcleaning shop TSC Wetclean since 2009. Based upon his experience he developed his own machine programs and chemicals.
Dino said “at first, I only did about 25% by water but since 2009 I went 100%” and has been using his own brand of chemicals for the last 4 years.
He said “many people worry about increased cost but the reality is the opposite” and explained “a shop doing $500K a year should save about $3000 a month.”
Dino is currently using Continental washers and dryers with his own programs. He puts 30 pounds in a 60 pound machine. His washing cycle is 18 minutes and drying 25 minutes. He said he is processing more clothes than dry cleaning
Dino said “it is best not to put wools and silks in water too long” and he uses a 6-minute cycle for them.
He does not tumble dry neckties. Instead he blocks them and then air dry.
He also pointed out that his washing environment is mild alkaline (pH 8-9) to minimize statics.
Dino said “he dries almost all his clothes and goes to finishing right away.” He runs his dryers at 95℉.
He does not do much spotting since most of the stains are water-soluble. He uses A.L. Wilson degreaser on about 5% of clothes.
He said his own conditioner has liquid silicone that keeps clothes soft with excellent body.
While Dino was describing his wetcleaning method, representatives from Continental and Unipress actually wetcleaned and pressed clothes on site. These clothes were available for close inspection by all the participants.
Representatives from WetcleanersUSA.com were also present for the seminar.