Cutex, Inc. offers you a one-stop-shopping convenience for all the sewing supplies, parts and machines. Cutex always keeps over 10,000 items in stock and offers the quality and the price that cannot be matched by smaller rivals.
Cutex’s warehouse in Hawthorne, NJ boasts over 10,000 square feet of space. Cutex’s technical staff is always ready to provide a prompt after service
“Even though all drycleaners have a sewing machine, they know surprisingly little about them,” said Jeffrey Park, CEO of Cutex. “Call us anytime if you have any questions.”
“If you are still purchasing sewing supplies from a local small shop, please give us a call,” said Mr. Park. “If we don’t have it, it doesn’t exist.”
Cutex, Inc.
2 Llewellyn Ave
Hawthorne, NJ 07506
(212) 967-8985